Monday, October 29, 2012

Hello again

So, the mind is a strange thing (some more than others, of course). But let me tell you what I mean. I've talked about running here before, how I hated it, then got to sort of like it when I realized I could actually do it. And I would write about my little goals - ran for three minutes straight today or ran two miles but with breaks every quarter mile.

Well, today, I got back into the gym after three weeks of no exercise and a fair amount of unhealthy eating. One of the circuits was to run a mile and we were going to be timed to see how we would progress in the following week. So, I start running at a level just below where I left off three weeks ago (speed of 4.0 as opposed to 4.5) and just kept going. Because I was focused on the long haul, I didn't notice every second tick down as I usually do. By the time I got tired enough to slow to a walk (or I should say, by the time I noticed my heart rate was at 168), 8 minutes had gone by. I couldn't believe that, after weeks of slacking off, I was able to run 8 minutes straight. Yes, sort of a turtle's pace, but running nonetheless.

What's weird here is that I can remember running on this same treadmill in the height of my 12-week program, looking at the timer thinking, "Just make it to 3 minutes without stopping," or even "Just make it to 2 minutes," and it would be a struggle to stick it out.

So, two things: either I was eating so few calories that I was lacking in energy OR this is a mental issue. I started to wonder today if my inclination is to give up before the goal is reached regardless of how far away that goal is. So, if I have a goal to run 3 minutes straight, am I going to get that same mental "I can't do it!" at the 2 minute mark event though I know I can physically do 8 minutes straight?

I don't know - it's just so hard to make that mind-body connection. They haven't worked well together, like, ever.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Where It's At

So, I haven't been working out. I won't go into all the excuses, but the main one is that my shoulder still hurts. Massage, chiropractor, regular doctor, muscle relaxers...should try physical therapy next, but I'm tired of making appointments, tired of explaining the symptoms, tired of not getting results (have I mentioned I'm impatient and always want a quick fix).

I had a false start last Monday morning when I went to the first session of a 6-week, 5-day-per-week program only to decide that I could only do it half-hearted with my shoulder aching. This weekend, I mentally recommitted to doing this 6-week program - another group started their session this morning. So, I went even though I still had shoulder pain.

What I discovered is that most of the exercises helped ease the pain. So, pressure on the muscles in the shoulder made the pain go away during that exercise - so weird. If I could do TRX squat rows all day, I would, because as I sit here at my desk, I ache with every breath and turn of my body.

After workout, I went to a pre-scheduled chiropractor appointment. He's snapping my back now and leaving my neck alone. He's also given me four different stretching exercises to do. I think I'm on the right track. Fingers crossed.

This weekend, I went to Pasquale's with Shawna, and let me tell you - I wasn't even thinking the word 'diet'. That place is awesome - margarita, chips, tacos, rice, beans. I didn't say 'no' to anything. And, of course, afterward I felt miserable - like super, dooper, don't-even-let-me-smell-those-left-overs miserable. I said to Shawna, "It's like I was just let out of prison, knowing I'm being put back in in a couple days!" Terrible.

So, my goals starting this next work-out phase: 1) to finally reach and surpass the 60 pounds lost mark, hopefully in the next week or so, and 2) to reach 80 pounds lost by the end of November.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Snap, Crackle, Pop!

So, I haven't been good about writing - I feel like I've been on hiatus, even though I really should be boot-camping my ass off. In the three weeks since my Biggest Loser Group ended, I probably did four boot camps. Not great.

On Wednesday, I happened to be driving past Grandpa Niesen's former house and saw that Mom and Aunt Karen were cleaning out the shed or, "Dat Shet" as Grandpa would say. I stopped to say 'Hi' just when they were trying to lift a garbage bag full up junk into a bin. Strong youngster that I am (right), I chipped right in and hefted that bag up and over. It must have been 60-70 pounds. Anyway, since that day, my shoulder has been burning with a pinched nerve. (Also, I found out that that bag was full of, among other things, raccoon poop...great to have had my face right up against that! No wonder I had the urge that night to prowl after dark, poking through the neighbors' garbage.)

On Sunday, I decided to find a massage therapist to see if she could manipulate it out. Nope! Ninety dollars later, and all I have to show for it is a back that feels like it was peppered by paint capsules shot from a paintball gun.

This morning, after a fitful night of not being able to find a comfortable position, I made an appointment with a chiropractor. My first visit ever, and holy crap, what a crazy business that is. The doctor was super personable, took X-rays, talked me through how, where and when I was experiencing pain. He showed me the X-ray of my neck, and interestingly my neck is curved to the right and also rotated to the right. So, up-and-down there's a convex curve, and side-to-side, there's a twist of the vertabrae. He also found evidence that, as a youngster, my neck must have been snapped back, like a whiplash injury as there is calcification of the tissues at the base of my throat. Interesting. So, he has me sit on his little chair, and he starts gently probing my neck, jaw, cradling my head in his hands. "Kari, inhale a deep breath then let it all out." In breath....ooouuuuutttt breath....SNAP! He wrenched my neck and it snapped and popped in three or four places. It didn't hurt, but I wondered if I was dead or paralized. What an odd feeling, to say the least. Then I laid down on an adjustment table, and we did the 'breath in/breath out/SNAP' game in two more places on my back.

So, am I better? Well, I felt a lot better for an hour or so afterward, but then the pinching started up again. I'm going back tomorrow.