Friday, January 25, 2013

I'm Still Here

My first post for least it's not February yet!

Well, this second round of my Hybrid fitness plan is not going nearly as well as the first. I'm going to the gym, but missing some days. I'm eating healthy, but also making bad choices. The result of not being 100% committed is a 8 pound weight loss in 8 weeks. Fail.

Like every excuse-maker in a Weight Watchers meeting, I'm going to pull out the line, "Muscle weighs more than fat!" to explain the lack of lost pounds. I do think there's truth to to - actually, it is absolutely true that muscle weighs more than fat. What I'm skeptical about is this - is it really what's causing lack of movement in the scale?

In my case, this time, the answer is "Probably not." HOWEVER, my upper thighs are thinner, and my 'upper' mid-section (my spare tire's spare tire) has narrowed. So, I know I'm at least getting great benefit from my workouts in that I'm toning my muscles and redistributing weight. This is my silver lining, I guess.

Every evening, as my mind is thinking about the day, I recommit to being better the next day. One of these days, I'd really like to follow through.

Another note: I think Troy might have the idea that I'm a hypochondriac. Every day, something goes 'pop' or 'rip' in my joints. Here's a list of the maladies:
Chronic pain in knees (even as I sit here typing, they ache)
Sometimes debilitating pain in the right knee
Sore bones in my left foot (maybe plantar fasciitis?)
Jacked up left ankle/heel (from a bad dismount off a workout step-up thingy)
Bulging disk in my lower back
Sciatic nerve problems down my right hip/thigh
Muscle and joint pain in left shoulder
Weak wrists (that can't support my upper body for long, or that go all carpal tunnel syndrome on me)
Sore thumb (from boxing)
Morning headaches

Wow, okay. Now "I" have the idea that I'm a hypochondriac. Actually, the only thing that kept me from working out was pinched nerve in my right shoulder. Everything else, I'm just ignoring, powering through, or modifying my workout to avoid pain or further injury.

What I wish I knew was if everyone else is experiencing these things to some degree? Or is my pain tolerance low? Or is my whine tendency high? Or, perhaps all three.

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