Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Boot-Camped

So, I did it. Attended my first boot camp this morning. Today's activities were not a real stretch for me, so I got all concerned for nothing. I'm sure it won't stay 'manageable' but I suppose the challenge will be good for me.

What did we do? Start with 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 crunches. Then take two full laps around the building (a half mile). Then return to the turf and do 9 push-ups, 9 squats, 9 crunches; off to do two more laps, then back for 8 reps, etc.

So the totals on this progressive work out (if someone does it all without shaving things hem) ends up to be: 5 miles run; 55 push-ups; 55 squats; 55 crunches.

IF, and I'm saying 'if', someone did two full laps the first two times, but then only did one full lap the following times, their total run count = 3.0 miles. If this person also was so slow that they didn't get the last two rotations in, the total run count = 2.5 miles.


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