Sunday, September 2, 2012

The dreaded "Before" picture

It's kind of interesting how intimidating posting a 'before' picture can be. But, I promised, so here goes:
The 'Before' was taken May 27, 2012                                                The 'After' was taken September 1, 2012

When I was building the side-by-side, I noticed the propane tank in the 'before' photo. Blue Rhino brand...I had to laugh at that one especially considering my blue shirt.

I actually feel thinner than it looks in the current photo. It really shored up my resolve that this has to be a 'during'. Sure it's leaps and bounds better than the 'before' but still not ideal.

Thank you everyone for the fantastic support!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH!!!! You look great! I've had to only guess at the visual accomplishment, being so far away and not able to witness the week-to-week weight loss. I bet you feel so much stronger and healthier as well. The next round of Boot Camp should make you even prouder of yourself. You go show them how it" done!!!
