Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm not Misty May

So, with sand covering me head-to-toe, you might mistake me for Olympic beach volleyball player Misty May-Treanor. Sorry for the confusion.

Why am I so sandy, you ask? Let me explain. You see the yellow climbing net in this photo? Well, today's workout included this innocent-looking contraption. We had to climb up three or four rungs/ropes, move across from right to left, then back down to the sand. I didn't think it would be awful, but oh how wrong I was. The net is not very taut, so when I stepped on, my feet went forward a couple feet until I was hanging from my arms. Not good...

Anyway, I made it up, across and down once with a lot of support from Troy - and I mean verbal as well as physical, with him propping me up with his hand on my back while also telling me, "You need to stop saying to yourself that you can't and start believing you can." And he's right - giving up too soon is probably my biggest obstacle.

So, the second time through, my hands and arms were just on fire, I couldn't lift my foot without getting my knee stuck in the square above, and I couldn't stay in an upright position. Instead, I was hanging with my legs forward and my upper body backward (in other words, most of my weight on my arms). I was slowly, gruelingly making my way across and my arms just wouldn't last. I ended up falling on my back into the sand, and I also gave a bit of a yelp (or maybe an animalistic cry - I can't be sure). So, the whole gym probably saw it go down.

Now, it didn't hurt at all: one, because of the sand; two, because I was only three feet off the ground; and three, because Troy had been supporting me so I'm sure he helped control my fall. The only pain was my damn arms and hands. Oh yeah, and my pride. Then I tried to get up and my feet kept getting tangled in the ropes. I said to Troy, "I can't get free of this damn there's a metaphor for you."

Anyway, even though it was a hot mess, I can say that I didn't give up mentally. I worked until I physically caved. Which I guess is good?

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