Monday, July 23, 2012

It is what it is

July 23, 2012
Pounds lost in week eight = 0
Total pounds lost = 30 (average of 3.75 per week)

Ugh...official weigh-in results in 0 pounds lost. I'm going to print off my food journal and bring it to the dietitian because this is getting ridiculous. I kept to 1000 calories per day, and even worked in three additional walk/runs this past week. Ate lots more veggies, tried to limit the carbs. I think what really gets to me is that I don't remember ever having a bad two-week stretch like this when doing Weight Watchers. That was usually 3, 2, 4, 1, 2 - a more regular up-down-up pattern.

The only plus side - and it's feeling like a small plus - is that we logged in on the body fat reader today and I lost two pounds of fat mass. So, I guess I'm gaining muscle to offset that, which I suppose is good. However, I think my calves are out of control - think Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yuck.

This morning at our 5:30 work out, I think Troy was mad. Only two of us out of five were there. So, naturally, he took it out on us! Ha ha...really, it was probably a matter of me not being able to slack off in a larger group. He only had two of us to keep an eye on. I think I'll hear "Come ON, Kari," in my sleep.

Here's a slice of our fun circuit to share with you (and by fun, I mean hellish) - run up a flight of stairs, run down, hop up the stairs, run down, pick up TWO 30lb weights and walk up/down the stairs. Rest for 30 seconds, then 20 crunches, sprint between a series of cones (short, then back, medium, then back, long, then back), 20 crunches, then sprints again. This is when I saw Jesus. Those crunches really set off my asthma - I started gasp-honking. Super adorable, I'm sure. Troy came up to me (probably to make sure I wasn't dying), and I was like, "I (honk) sound (honk) like (honk) my (honk) dog." However, when I got my breathing under control, I ran the crap out of those sprints. I think Troy would have let me pass on it, but I felt like I needed to do it. And I did really well - fast with a good long stride.

Another mental check-mark in the win column - I realized today that I'm the only one of my group who has been to workouts every day (not counting the Fourth of July). EVERY day. Proud of that.

And speaking of running, here's a clip making the rounds on Pinterest - LOVE it:

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