Thursday, June 28, 2012


So, the Chair of my department (my boss, essentially), is a bit of a worrier. When I first started my workout program, I was having trouble with asthma. My trainer asked me to see my physician, so I worked to get an appointment. My doctor is quite busy, so when I got a call at 1:00 asking me if I could be to the clinic across town by 1:20, I didn't want to say no. So, I dropped everything at work, told my staff I had to quick run to the doctor, and took off.

Well, my Chair stopped down to see me while I was gone. He heard from my staff that I had to quick run to the doctor. Well, he got concerned, asking them if everything was okay. Later, when I returned, he asked me if everything was alright. I assured him that I was fine, and I told him the story about starting a workout and that my trainer asked me to see a physician...the whole speil. He actually said, "Good, then we can have you around longer..." I took this to mean that he expects me to fall over from a heart attack at any time...

So, yesterday, I left work at 2:00 for an appointment without notifying him (I don't usually tell him when I'm leaving). He left a message for me so I called him back when I was done with my appointment.

Again, he was concerned about my appointment, "Was it a medical appointment? Is everything okay?" Really? Kind of funny. I assured him that I was fine, "Not to worry," I said.

The funny part is that I was actually getting my nails done. I didn't have the nerve to tell him this, as I don't think he needs to know that I take vacation every two weeks for this very important purpose. Nothing gets in the way of my nail appointments!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Olympic 10!

In this second month, our workouts seem to have shifted to strength-training. We still do cardio, but the mix is heavier on the muscle work. I sweat a lot, but I find I'm able to push myself a little more if I'm not huffing and puffing (meaning, I can push myself to do more arm curls easier than I can push myself to run faster).

Anyway, it's no secret that probably 70% of my weight is above my butt - I often picture myself shaped like an upside-down bowling pin (lovely). So, this means my attempts at sit-ups are pretty much just crunches, as I can't really get my back off the floor using just my abs.

Today, one of our exercises involved a weigh bench and two 15 pound weights. I was laying on my back, feet on the floor, doing arm work (curls, lifts, whatever) - no problem, I've got this. The REAL workout came when I tried to get up after the set was done. Nothing to hook my feet under, I couldn't touch the floor with my hands and my body is wider than the bench, so I couldn't use the bench to lever myself up.

What ended up happening was this sort of slow shift, roll, reach, balance - I almost had it, by basically rolling off onto my hands, when my left arm failed me. FLOP! I fell on the floor in a lump, with my teammates, my trainer, and hell, pretty much the whole gym, watching. So embarrassing!

So, I did what any normal person would do. I jumped up with arms raised in victory and exclaimed, "A 10 on the dismount!"

Monday, June 25, 2012

Quick Stats Update

June 25, 2012
Pounds lost in week four = 3
Total pounds lost = 16 (average of 4 per week)

Nothing much to report today, other than the numbers from this morning's weigh-in. Next week, I'm going to pull down a big number. Three pounds is just not going to cut it.

Knee is better than it was Friday/Saturday and I was able to do a lot of step-up, step-down work this morning without too much pain.

Advil and I are good friends.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Knee, You Suck (but I guess I've been asking a lot of you)

So, it was somewhat inevitable that I was going to be side-lined by knee pain. On Thursday morning between workout and work, I stepped down my back steps and felt excruciating pain in my right knee. So much so that I screamed out, which I'm sure my two neighbors appreciated at 8:00AM. It felt like my kneecap or some tendons just snapped out of place and would not go back.

I'm familiar with this weakness in my knees - this would happen occasionally in the past. However, never to this pain level or duration. This time, it recurred throughout the day, and I could feel the joint getting puffier and puffier.

By Friday morning (24 hours later) I was limping but I went to the gym! I couldn't join my group, but I did do about 20 minutes on the elliptical. Since this didn't involve straightening my knee, I found that I was able to work up to a sweat-inducing pace. Then I did some sit-up/crunch things and finally rejoined my group for a lot of arm work.

After that, I went to urgent care. Nothing wrong on the xray, but I did get fitted with a sexy knee brace. Don't be jealous, you haters (like my smiley face?). Anyway, here's a response that I've developed in my head if anyone brings it up.

Anyone: "Ooh, what happened to your knee?"
Me: "Years of obesity and inactivity...OH, you mean recently?"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Carbs - My Friend, My Enemy

Take a look at this simple graph showing the breakdown my intake of three main food categories over the last four weeks: Calories from fats (in blue); calories from carbohydrates (in yellow-brown); calories from protein (in green).

What the hell happened on June 20 (on the far right)?? I'll tell you what happened. Those damn meringue cookies! This is why I can't have that shit in the house. Even treats that are 'healthier' spell disaster for me.

Also, Trainer Troy sent a pep-talk email to us encouraging us to spend another hour in the evenings doing some kind of activity. He said, "Walking, jogging, boot camp, whatever. Basically do anything except come home from work and sit on the couch."

My reply: "Do you have a camera in my living room?"

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Meringue cookies

A great sweet treat - only 25 calories per cookie.

Meringue Cookies
4 egg whites
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. sugar

Preheat oven to 225 degrees.

Add salt, cream of tartar and vanilla to egg whites in a narrow, but high-sided bowl. Beat the egg white mixture until soft peak stage (about 2 minutes). With beaters on high speed, add sugar gradually (sprinkle in a few tablespoons at a time). Beat until mixture reaches stiff peak stage.

Line cookie sheets with foil. Add dollops of mixture onto cookie sheets by the heaping tablespoonful. They don't puff up much, so they can be placed fairly close together. Add pretty sprinkles if desired (yes, you desire pretty sprinkles...).

Bake at 225 degrees for an hour and a half. Turn oven off and leave cookies in the oven until the oven is cooled (I leave mine in overnight if I start the process after work).

Then, reserve four cookies the get the rest out of the house because you know you're going to eat the whole damn batch yourself if you have access to them.

Recipe makes about 36 (calorie count is factored on this quantity).

I added a bit of blue food coloring to this batch.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Exercise + Extreme Humidity = Sweet Jesus, When Will It End?

June 18, 2012
Pounds lost this week = 4
Total pounds lost = 13 (average of 4.3 per week)

Worst day ever as far as breathing is concerned. The humidity really effects my asthma, and there were several times when I was struggling for breath. Four hits off the inhaler and I was still gasping.

Here's an example of our circuits:
(90 seconds each)
Jumping rope
Leap foward big, two short hops back
Ladder runs (like tire runs you see football players do, but on a smaller scale)
Heavy rope whipping (pick up rope, fling it down, left, right, left, right)
Then, a one-quarter lap around the building finished by a run up a flight of stairs and back down.

Finally, lay down and die. Just kidding! We can't lay down because we're right back into the circuit after a 30 second cool down. One more round then a 2 minute cool down. Then he finds 5 more torture exercises for us to do, followed again by a run and stair climb.

But, I'm starting to feel a difference (how could I not). Clothes are fitting better and I have more stamina. Last week, I noticed that my right wrist was thinner. But then, in the middle of my forearm, there seemed to be a bump. Like, instead of a smooth transition moving up my arm, there was a definite bump up. A little concerning...until I realized it was just a newly-developed muscle....

How foreign.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Informed Choices

So, you're all probably familiar with my love of the Diet Mountain's my morning caffiene, my thirst-quencher of choice, it makes my heart skip a beat (not even metaphorically, but quite literally, due to the caffiene). I joke with people that, because orange juice is the second ingredient, it is practically a health food.

At the start of every diet plan I've undertaken, they say to cut out sodas - and they stress "Including diet sodas!" I've never heard the logic or science behind this. Yes, I know the acid and carbonation harm my teeth, but as far as being a hinderance to weight loss - what's the logic?

This morning, I finally asked the dietician if she could name the drawbacks related to weight loss. Here's what she said:
1) It makes you feel bloated and full of gas
2) Drinking artificial sweeteners sets the body up for craving more sugar. Real sugar will, at least, satisfy a sweet tooth to a degree. Diet sodas with artificial sweeteners don't kill that craving, and in fact can increase the craving later in the day.

Point number 1 - if I feel bloated, I'm LESS likely to overeat. I don't care at this point if I 'feel' fat - air weighs 0 pounds, so that scale will still show downward progress. Point 1 easily dismissed.

Point 2 - This one I understand - makes sense. However, if I can ignore the sweet cravings, I think I can dismiss this one too.

I just cannot imagine a morning without it. I HAVE limited it to one 12oz. can instead of a 20oz. bottle. I'm going to count that as a success!

And, to end on a funny note, yesterday we had to high-knee over hurdles. They were only about 15" high but it's hard to do four successive jumps when you weigh this much! Anyway, first time through, I knocked over a hurdle (they kind of come apart when this happens - the bar separates from the riser and Trainer Troy has to set them up again). On the next time through the hurdles, I knocked one down again. Troy announced, "Next one to knock one down runs a lap around the building!" Yikes!

I can tell you, I was a high-stepper after that! My team mate, Crystal, however, knocked one down in the next round and had to take a lap. Oops...sorry Crystal. I feel like she took my punishment. (I also crushed a shorty cone when doing forward/backward sprints...not my most coordinated day!)

And here's a funny video that was flashing through my mind as I was knocking over hurdles

Monday, June 11, 2012

Chicken, Chicken, Chicken

I'm going to add recipes here, too, just to help me remember easy, tasty food solutions.

Yesterday, I was in Target looking to buy 'other' meats besides my usual chicken and deli turkey. A worker came up and slapped a sticker on a small package of beef round steaks and said, "Instant coupon!" Originally $4.80 minus $3 coupon = I'm buying that meat! Then he said, "Here's another one." My lucky day.

So, I got beef, which I'll have to figure out what to do with. But I also got raw turkey breast (or maybe they were tenderloins). Here's what I did with them:

Cleaned and dried turkey (probably about 1.5 pounds), then placed in a small glass dish.
Poured on Frontera Green Chile Enchilada Sauce
Covered in foil, stuck in a meat thermometer (to cook to 165 degrees). Cooked at 350 covered for about an hour, then uncovered for a while longer.
Realized thermometer wasn't working...checked turkey for doneness the uncool way...
Once the turkey was done and had cooled a bit, I shredded it.

Then I put the cooking liquid in a sauce pan and reduced it, just to about the same thickness it was prior to cooking. I added about half of this finished sauce back onto the shredded turkey.

Divided this up into containers, and this morning I put a dollop of plain Greek yogurt on top. Just heated it for about a minute, and viola - yummy protein-filled lunch. Yeah, it would be better with rice, cheese and a tortilla, but come on!

Exercise this morning - more on the strength and core conditioning than the aerobic workout, so I did better. Did jump rope for the first time in forever. It was kind of fun! But it was really, really hard. Two sets of 20 jumps about killed me. I'm thinking of getting a jump rope for at home.

I can just see it - hair in pigtails, rainbow shirt on, knee socks. Here I come childhood!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Unhappy with success

June 8, 2012
Total pounds lost = 9

Two weeks and 9 pounds lost. Great for someone who is 30 pounds from goal. Not for someone 100 pounds from goal. I think I'm not happy with it because this is how much I can lose in weeks one and two on 'just' a diet (no exercise). To think I'm working this hard in the mornings for 9 measly pounds is discouraging. However, I know these things are true: 1) I've been really good on the diet side, 2) I've been really good on the exercise side, and 3) even stone shrinks given pressure and time. Moving forward.

On a more silly note, Papa John's is sending me bi-weekly texts about their various specials. I signed up for these a long time ago and their marketing has met with varying success for this customer. In the past, when that text would come in, it would often create that subliminal "I've GOT to have pizza" spark. Now, however, I look at it and think "I've GOT to figure out how to get off their list."

After getting today's deal, it occured to me that these texts are like booty calls from an ex-boyfriend. You dumped him for a reason, but when that call comes in, you kind of forget the bad times and think, "What's the harm this one time?" So, Papa John is calling for my booty, and I'm not answering. Time to quit him.

Also, at a work party today, I had created a great, healthy lunch from among the other naughty options. Imagine a loaded Qdoba taco bar and you'll be pleased to know that I came away with a salad made of only lettuce, black beans, chicken and salsa. Success.

Anyway, they cut the cake and I declined - no real hardship. Then, while I was sitting with my cake-eating co-workers, this guy - we'll call him Doofus - says, "Kari, did you get cake?"

Me: "Yes, I was offered but I don't care for any."
Doofus: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes, thanks, I'm sure"
Doofus: "Really, you're sure?"
Me: "Yes, I'm sure"

Jesus! When a big girl turns down cake, you don't try to coax her into it two more times! What a stupid, clueless Doofus.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Much better

Today went much better than yesterday! Finished all the repetitions and all the sets, only lazed on the mat once between sets (and got busted by Troy "Kari, get up!"). Hey, at least I didn't laze 'during' a set, right? Progress.

Met with a nutritionist - she's a youngster who casually dropped, "I'm a vegetarian," into our conversation. Yay for you, Ellen. She also made a comment, "Fiber is going to fill you up better than that fatty piece of bacon." Stepping back, this shouldn't have irritated me - that's her job. But I was irritated by what I perceived to be her assumption that fat people and bacon go hand-in-hand. I wanted to say, "Listen skinny. I haven't had a piece of bacon for breakfast for years!" Of course, then I remembered the delicious Bacon, Egg and Cheese biscuits at McDonald's that were a twice-a-week habit. Sigh...

My breakfast this morning was pretty heavenly. I'm not sure if it was because I was super hungry or if it really WAS sent straight from heaven. Anyway, I made an egg (sort of fried, sort of scrambled), wrapped it in a warmed corn tortilla and topped my little burrito with salsa. Fan-freaking-tastic. I'm not ashamed to admit that I moaned a little. I'm starting to really love corn tortillas - have to thank Kristi and her amazing tacos for that. You can't make that magic with flour tortillas, that's for sure.

But yeah, hungry by 10:00.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week Two - the horror continues

June 4, 2012
Pounds lost this week = 8
Total pounds lost = 8

Weigh-ins are on Friday - they're smart to catch us before the weekend! So, on Friday, I'd lost 6 pounds. Not fantastic for the 'first week'. BUT, given that we started on Tuesday, this was only after four days. This morning, Monday, I'm at 8 pounds lost. So, that's my official (at least in my head).

Today's workout...brutal. I think I'm going to be saying that about every workout...I couldn't make it through a full repetition of any of the sets. Well, I might have done a full rep of one or two. Knees hurt, back hurts, hip hurts, spirit hurts.

After doing a circuit of squats, ladder sprints, sit-ups, Troy got the bright idea to have us run a lap around the building. I didn't hear him initially, so I said "What's next?" to my group. "Running," was the reply. "Shit, shit, shit," was what ran through my head. The dreaded running.

My group got off to a great start. I almost immediately fell behind, but I kept trudging along...until the wheezing started. This is quite a feeling. You're short on breath to start, as you push yourself to previously unknown limits, and then your throat starts to close. Yikes. So, I slowed to a walk...until Troy turned around and caught me slacking. Whoops! Back to a slow run as I'm waving, "No lazy person back here. You just carry on with your track stars up there."

He waited for me at the end of the building - the midway point of our run. I made up my mind that I was going to keep a trotting pace for this last half. No slowing to a walk for me! Troy stayed with me the whole time. Finally, it dawned on me that he was walking. Yep! I was 'running' and he was walking and we were neck and neck. I pointed this out to him and said sarcastically, "That's fantastic."

He just laughed and said, "Everyone starts somewhere."

Day One - Tuesday, May 29, 2012

After a week or two of  'last suppers' (pizza, ice cream, pasta...all the favorite naughty foods) my diet and exercise plan began on Tuesday, May 29. Honestly, I expect the dieting to be fairly easy. Been there, done that. Exercise..not so much. Knowing that I need to have outside help forcing me to push myself, I joined a Biggest Loser program at Hybrid Fitness - I'm hoping this is a good fit.

Here's an email I sent to my sister after the first workout:

Well, my work out program started today, and I am still alive. I may even go back tomorrow.

The trainer, Troy, is very nice and kindly pushes me forward. “Let’s keep your heart rate up, Kari.” Me (thinking): “Oh, it’s up. I can feel it in my throat.”

To go from almost zero exercise to doing an hour of rigorous circuits is pretty brutal. The jumping jacks killed me. Fifteen while holding a 10 pound bar. Kind of went into an asthma spell, which worried Troy a bit. (o:

I told him this always happens during hard exercise (it occurred to me later that I hadn’t had one of these attacks since running the mile in high school…as in, ‘the last time I did hard exercise’).

So far, there’s only one other person in this group, and she is a returning ‘biggest loser’. She only has about 40 pounds to lose, and she’s been through the training recently. So, of the two of us, I am the slower turtle in this race. Next week, three more are going to come on board. 

One day down; a lifetime to go.