Monday, June 4, 2012

Day One - Tuesday, May 29, 2012

After a week or two of  'last suppers' (pizza, ice cream, pasta...all the favorite naughty foods) my diet and exercise plan began on Tuesday, May 29. Honestly, I expect the dieting to be fairly easy. Been there, done that. Exercise..not so much. Knowing that I need to have outside help forcing me to push myself, I joined a Biggest Loser program at Hybrid Fitness - I'm hoping this is a good fit.

Here's an email I sent to my sister after the first workout:

Well, my work out program started today, and I am still alive. I may even go back tomorrow.

The trainer, Troy, is very nice and kindly pushes me forward. “Let’s keep your heart rate up, Kari.” Me (thinking): “Oh, it’s up. I can feel it in my throat.”

To go from almost zero exercise to doing an hour of rigorous circuits is pretty brutal. The jumping jacks killed me. Fifteen while holding a 10 pound bar. Kind of went into an asthma spell, which worried Troy a bit. (o:

I told him this always happens during hard exercise (it occurred to me later that I hadn’t had one of these attacks since running the mile in high school…as in, ‘the last time I did hard exercise’).

So far, there’s only one other person in this group, and she is a returning ‘biggest loser’. She only has about 40 pounds to lose, and she’s been through the training recently. So, of the two of us, I am the slower turtle in this race. Next week, three more are going to come on board. 

One day down; a lifetime to go.

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