Monday, June 4, 2012

Week Two - the horror continues

June 4, 2012
Pounds lost this week = 8
Total pounds lost = 8

Weigh-ins are on Friday - they're smart to catch us before the weekend! So, on Friday, I'd lost 6 pounds. Not fantastic for the 'first week'. BUT, given that we started on Tuesday, this was only after four days. This morning, Monday, I'm at 8 pounds lost. So, that's my official (at least in my head).

Today's workout...brutal. I think I'm going to be saying that about every workout...I couldn't make it through a full repetition of any of the sets. Well, I might have done a full rep of one or two. Knees hurt, back hurts, hip hurts, spirit hurts.

After doing a circuit of squats, ladder sprints, sit-ups, Troy got the bright idea to have us run a lap around the building. I didn't hear him initially, so I said "What's next?" to my group. "Running," was the reply. "Shit, shit, shit," was what ran through my head. The dreaded running.

My group got off to a great start. I almost immediately fell behind, but I kept trudging along...until the wheezing started. This is quite a feeling. You're short on breath to start, as you push yourself to previously unknown limits, and then your throat starts to close. Yikes. So, I slowed to a walk...until Troy turned around and caught me slacking. Whoops! Back to a slow run as I'm waving, "No lazy person back here. You just carry on with your track stars up there."

He waited for me at the end of the building - the midway point of our run. I made up my mind that I was going to keep a trotting pace for this last half. No slowing to a walk for me! Troy stayed with me the whole time. Finally, it dawned on me that he was walking. Yep! I was 'running' and he was walking and we were neck and neck. I pointed this out to him and said sarcastically, "That's fantastic."

He just laughed and said, "Everyone starts somewhere."


  1. Whoop! Whoop! You are awesome! Keep up the great work and keep that inhaler in your back pocket.
