Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Much better

Today went much better than yesterday! Finished all the repetitions and all the sets, only lazed on the mat once between sets (and got busted by Troy "Kari, get up!"). Hey, at least I didn't laze 'during' a set, right? Progress.

Met with a nutritionist - she's a youngster who casually dropped, "I'm a vegetarian," into our conversation. Yay for you, Ellen. She also made a comment, "Fiber is going to fill you up better than that fatty piece of bacon." Stepping back, this shouldn't have irritated me - that's her job. But I was irritated by what I perceived to be her assumption that fat people and bacon go hand-in-hand. I wanted to say, "Listen skinny. I haven't had a piece of bacon for breakfast for years!" Of course, then I remembered the delicious Bacon, Egg and Cheese biscuits at McDonald's that were a twice-a-week habit. Sigh...

My breakfast this morning was pretty heavenly. I'm not sure if it was because I was super hungry or if it really WAS sent straight from heaven. Anyway, I made an egg (sort of fried, sort of scrambled), wrapped it in a warmed corn tortilla and topped my little burrito with salsa. Fan-freaking-tastic. I'm not ashamed to admit that I moaned a little. I'm starting to really love corn tortillas - have to thank Kristi and her amazing tacos for that. You can't make that magic with flour tortillas, that's for sure.

But yeah, hungry by 10:00.

1 comment:

  1. I think a request for a new nutritionist is in order. Life without bacon is not life at all. Just sayin'.

    Oh, next time you are out I will have to introduce you to our newest delight, chorizo tacos! OH MY GOSH! They were awesome. And a bit naughty.
