Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Olympic 10!

In this second month, our workouts seem to have shifted to strength-training. We still do cardio, but the mix is heavier on the muscle work. I sweat a lot, but I find I'm able to push myself a little more if I'm not huffing and puffing (meaning, I can push myself to do more arm curls easier than I can push myself to run faster).

Anyway, it's no secret that probably 70% of my weight is above my butt - I often picture myself shaped like an upside-down bowling pin (lovely). So, this means my attempts at sit-ups are pretty much just crunches, as I can't really get my back off the floor using just my abs.

Today, one of our exercises involved a weigh bench and two 15 pound weights. I was laying on my back, feet on the floor, doing arm work (curls, lifts, whatever) - no problem, I've got this. The REAL workout came when I tried to get up after the set was done. Nothing to hook my feet under, I couldn't touch the floor with my hands and my body is wider than the bench, so I couldn't use the bench to lever myself up.

What ended up happening was this sort of slow shift, roll, reach, balance - I almost had it, by basically rolling off onto my hands, when my left arm failed me. FLOP! I fell on the floor in a lump, with my teammates, my trainer, and hell, pretty much the whole gym, watching. So embarrassing!

So, I did what any normal person would do. I jumped up with arms raised in victory and exclaimed, "A 10 on the dismount!"

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