Monday, June 18, 2012

Exercise + Extreme Humidity = Sweet Jesus, When Will It End?

June 18, 2012
Pounds lost this week = 4
Total pounds lost = 13 (average of 4.3 per week)

Worst day ever as far as breathing is concerned. The humidity really effects my asthma, and there were several times when I was struggling for breath. Four hits off the inhaler and I was still gasping.

Here's an example of our circuits:
(90 seconds each)
Jumping rope
Leap foward big, two short hops back
Ladder runs (like tire runs you see football players do, but on a smaller scale)
Heavy rope whipping (pick up rope, fling it down, left, right, left, right)
Then, a one-quarter lap around the building finished by a run up a flight of stairs and back down.

Finally, lay down and die. Just kidding! We can't lay down because we're right back into the circuit after a 30 second cool down. One more round then a 2 minute cool down. Then he finds 5 more torture exercises for us to do, followed again by a run and stair climb.

But, I'm starting to feel a difference (how could I not). Clothes are fitting better and I have more stamina. Last week, I noticed that my right wrist was thinner. But then, in the middle of my forearm, there seemed to be a bump. Like, instead of a smooth transition moving up my arm, there was a definite bump up. A little concerning...until I realized it was just a newly-developed muscle....

How foreign.

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