Saturday, June 23, 2012

Knee, You Suck (but I guess I've been asking a lot of you)

So, it was somewhat inevitable that I was going to be side-lined by knee pain. On Thursday morning between workout and work, I stepped down my back steps and felt excruciating pain in my right knee. So much so that I screamed out, which I'm sure my two neighbors appreciated at 8:00AM. It felt like my kneecap or some tendons just snapped out of place and would not go back.

I'm familiar with this weakness in my knees - this would happen occasionally in the past. However, never to this pain level or duration. This time, it recurred throughout the day, and I could feel the joint getting puffier and puffier.

By Friday morning (24 hours later) I was limping but I went to the gym! I couldn't join my group, but I did do about 20 minutes on the elliptical. Since this didn't involve straightening my knee, I found that I was able to work up to a sweat-inducing pace. Then I did some sit-up/crunch things and finally rejoined my group for a lot of arm work.

After that, I went to urgent care. Nothing wrong on the xray, but I did get fitted with a sexy knee brace. Don't be jealous, you haters (like my smiley face?). Anyway, here's a response that I've developed in my head if anyone brings it up.

Anyone: "Ooh, what happened to your knee?"
Me: "Years of obesity and inactivity...OH, you mean recently?"

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