Thursday, June 14, 2012

Informed Choices

So, you're all probably familiar with my love of the Diet Mountain's my morning caffiene, my thirst-quencher of choice, it makes my heart skip a beat (not even metaphorically, but quite literally, due to the caffiene). I joke with people that, because orange juice is the second ingredient, it is practically a health food.

At the start of every diet plan I've undertaken, they say to cut out sodas - and they stress "Including diet sodas!" I've never heard the logic or science behind this. Yes, I know the acid and carbonation harm my teeth, but as far as being a hinderance to weight loss - what's the logic?

This morning, I finally asked the dietician if she could name the drawbacks related to weight loss. Here's what she said:
1) It makes you feel bloated and full of gas
2) Drinking artificial sweeteners sets the body up for craving more sugar. Real sugar will, at least, satisfy a sweet tooth to a degree. Diet sodas with artificial sweeteners don't kill that craving, and in fact can increase the craving later in the day.

Point number 1 - if I feel bloated, I'm LESS likely to overeat. I don't care at this point if I 'feel' fat - air weighs 0 pounds, so that scale will still show downward progress. Point 1 easily dismissed.

Point 2 - This one I understand - makes sense. However, if I can ignore the sweet cravings, I think I can dismiss this one too.

I just cannot imagine a morning without it. I HAVE limited it to one 12oz. can instead of a 20oz. bottle. I'm going to count that as a success!

And, to end on a funny note, yesterday we had to high-knee over hurdles. They were only about 15" high but it's hard to do four successive jumps when you weigh this much! Anyway, first time through, I knocked over a hurdle (they kind of come apart when this happens - the bar separates from the riser and Trainer Troy has to set them up again). On the next time through the hurdles, I knocked one down again. Troy announced, "Next one to knock one down runs a lap around the building!" Yikes!

I can tell you, I was a high-stepper after that! My team mate, Crystal, however, knocked one down in the next round and had to take a lap. Oops...sorry Crystal. I feel like she took my punishment. (I also crushed a shorty cone when doing forward/backward sprints...not my most coordinated day!)

And here's a funny video that was flashing through my mind as I was knocking over hurdles

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