Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Off to a Terrible Start

Week 1 (version 2) started on December 3, and it has not gone well.

I started getting a cold/flu on Monday, but went to the first class anyway. really sucked. Not sure how much of the suckitude was due to the oncoming illness or my declining fitness... I forgot how much cardio is in the first month. There was a lot of wheezing going on. Oh, and a little barfing too. Yay!

So, I missed class on Wednesday and Thursday due to achy, stuffy, headachy business. And then I missed this morning (Monday of Week 2) purely due to oversleeping. This is terrible! Never missed a class for this reason before. Shame on me.

So, I haven't improved my attitude any, it's pretty clear. Still have thoughts of "I hate this. I hate this. I hate this," running through my head. I'm seriously going to have to force myself into mental conversations along the lines of "You can do it. You can do it!" I'm sure this would make a difference in my workouts - there have probably been a million studies proving mind-over-matter.

On Friday, after a hella-bunch of ab work, I was laying on the mat dying/recovering. I said to Troy, "Troy, I'm dead." Well, someone in the boot camp group behind me pipes up, "You're not dead! You're only half dead." Well, I'm a little ashamed to say my first thought was, "You shut the hell up, back there! You don't know!"

Also, I've renamed "burpees" barfees.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Good news / Bad news

So, after a lot of thinking, discussing, planning, it looks like I'm going to sign up for a second Biggest Loser 12-week program with Troy.

I'm able to apply what I spent on the other program (6-week Advanced Health) toward Troy's group because I was able to show that my nerve problem was debilitating enough that I wasn't getting my money's worth. That was certainly true - unrelenting, burning pain over a fourth of your body sure does hamper a workout program. I'm just glad Hybrid is being flexible so that my money isn't wasted.

ANYway, the shoulder is better and I'm looking forward to getting back into a fitness routine. Not sure when we start, but probably this coming Monday. There's almost zero likelihood that I'll lose another 55 pounds. I'm shooting for 35, but this time around I have to be super careful about my diet. Which leads me to the bad news.

Because of my drastic weight loss this summer, my hair follicles have decided that they're pretty shocked and they're going to start acting crazy. Which is just my dumb way of saying - my hair is falling out. Yep, I'm shedding like a german shepard in the spring, and it really sucks. I'm even having dreams about visiting doctors, comparing myself to bald guys, and paying close attention to the Hair Club for Men commercials. I'm just nervous enough about it that I'm going to visit my doctor.

Now, I'm only speculating that the hair loss is due to the weight loss, but I'm pretty sure. I remember in 1989, when I was on an 800-calorie per day diet, my hair thinned, too. In fact, I'm not sure it ever really came back. But that was just on the top of my head. This seems to be all over, but of course, I notice it on the top of my head because it was thin there to start. Ugh!!

Gotta say, I'd rather be fat than bald.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hello again

So, the mind is a strange thing (some more than others, of course). But let me tell you what I mean. I've talked about running here before, how I hated it, then got to sort of like it when I realized I could actually do it. And I would write about my little goals - ran for three minutes straight today or ran two miles but with breaks every quarter mile.

Well, today, I got back into the gym after three weeks of no exercise and a fair amount of unhealthy eating. One of the circuits was to run a mile and we were going to be timed to see how we would progress in the following week. So, I start running at a level just below where I left off three weeks ago (speed of 4.0 as opposed to 4.5) and just kept going. Because I was focused on the long haul, I didn't notice every second tick down as I usually do. By the time I got tired enough to slow to a walk (or I should say, by the time I noticed my heart rate was at 168), 8 minutes had gone by. I couldn't believe that, after weeks of slacking off, I was able to run 8 minutes straight. Yes, sort of a turtle's pace, but running nonetheless.

What's weird here is that I can remember running on this same treadmill in the height of my 12-week program, looking at the timer thinking, "Just make it to 3 minutes without stopping," or even "Just make it to 2 minutes," and it would be a struggle to stick it out.

So, two things: either I was eating so few calories that I was lacking in energy OR this is a mental issue. I started to wonder today if my inclination is to give up before the goal is reached regardless of how far away that goal is. So, if I have a goal to run 3 minutes straight, am I going to get that same mental "I can't do it!" at the 2 minute mark event though I know I can physically do 8 minutes straight?

I don't know - it's just so hard to make that mind-body connection. They haven't worked well together, like, ever.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Where It's At

So, I haven't been working out. I won't go into all the excuses, but the main one is that my shoulder still hurts. Massage, chiropractor, regular doctor, muscle relaxers...should try physical therapy next, but I'm tired of making appointments, tired of explaining the symptoms, tired of not getting results (have I mentioned I'm impatient and always want a quick fix).

I had a false start last Monday morning when I went to the first session of a 6-week, 5-day-per-week program only to decide that I could only do it half-hearted with my shoulder aching. This weekend, I mentally recommitted to doing this 6-week program - another group started their session this morning. So, I went even though I still had shoulder pain.

What I discovered is that most of the exercises helped ease the pain. So, pressure on the muscles in the shoulder made the pain go away during that exercise - so weird. If I could do TRX squat rows all day, I would, because as I sit here at my desk, I ache with every breath and turn of my body.

After workout, I went to a pre-scheduled chiropractor appointment. He's snapping my back now and leaving my neck alone. He's also given me four different stretching exercises to do. I think I'm on the right track. Fingers crossed.

This weekend, I went to Pasquale's with Shawna, and let me tell you - I wasn't even thinking the word 'diet'. That place is awesome - margarita, chips, tacos, rice, beans. I didn't say 'no' to anything. And, of course, afterward I felt miserable - like super, dooper, don't-even-let-me-smell-those-left-overs miserable. I said to Shawna, "It's like I was just let out of prison, knowing I'm being put back in in a couple days!" Terrible.

So, my goals starting this next work-out phase: 1) to finally reach and surpass the 60 pounds lost mark, hopefully in the next week or so, and 2) to reach 80 pounds lost by the end of November.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Snap, Crackle, Pop!

So, I haven't been good about writing - I feel like I've been on hiatus, even though I really should be boot-camping my ass off. In the three weeks since my Biggest Loser Group ended, I probably did four boot camps. Not great.

On Wednesday, I happened to be driving past Grandpa Niesen's former house and saw that Mom and Aunt Karen were cleaning out the shed or, "Dat Shet" as Grandpa would say. I stopped to say 'Hi' just when they were trying to lift a garbage bag full up junk into a bin. Strong youngster that I am (right), I chipped right in and hefted that bag up and over. It must have been 60-70 pounds. Anyway, since that day, my shoulder has been burning with a pinched nerve. (Also, I found out that that bag was full of, among other things, raccoon poop...great to have had my face right up against that! No wonder I had the urge that night to prowl after dark, poking through the neighbors' garbage.)

On Sunday, I decided to find a massage therapist to see if she could manipulate it out. Nope! Ninety dollars later, and all I have to show for it is a back that feels like it was peppered by paint capsules shot from a paintball gun.

This morning, after a fitful night of not being able to find a comfortable position, I made an appointment with a chiropractor. My first visit ever, and holy crap, what a crazy business that is. The doctor was super personable, took X-rays, talked me through how, where and when I was experiencing pain. He showed me the X-ray of my neck, and interestingly my neck is curved to the right and also rotated to the right. So, up-and-down there's a convex curve, and side-to-side, there's a twist of the vertabrae. He also found evidence that, as a youngster, my neck must have been snapped back, like a whiplash injury as there is calcification of the tissues at the base of my throat. Interesting. So, he has me sit on his little chair, and he starts gently probing my neck, jaw, cradling my head in his hands. "Kari, inhale a deep breath then let it all out." In breath....ooouuuuutttt breath....SNAP! He wrenched my neck and it snapped and popped in three or four places. It didn't hurt, but I wondered if I was dead or paralized. What an odd feeling, to say the least. Then I laid down on an adjustment table, and we did the 'breath in/breath out/SNAP' game in two more places on my back.

So, am I better? Well, I felt a lot better for an hour or so afterward, but then the pinching started up again. I'm going back tomorrow.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kinda geeked out

Just found out that one of the trainers at Hybrid is starting an "Advanced Health Plan". It's a six-week plan targeted at those of us who have completed a 12-week biggest loser program (the elite corps that we are!). It starts on October 1 includes weigh-ins and fitness plans. Bad news is that it costs the same per month as the biggest loser program; good news is that the price will drop if more people sign up. I just signed up - I need more help still.

ALSO, I'm starting a "Cleanse" on Monday. This is put together by the sister-company to Hybrid, which is Fit Fresh Cuisine. It's all food (not like an all-liquid cleanse), controlled calorie, balanced nutrients meal plan. I'm interested to see what it's all about and hopefully it will kick-start my losing again.

I'm excited by these things - which is just weird to say/admit. By the way, 'True Confessions' I bought a donut at PDQ this morning. Just a simple sugar donut - no frosting or filling. Anyway, I got in my car, looked out the windshield and what did I see? A whole cage of "Blue Rhino" brand propane tanks. Mocking me, begging me to remember my Blue Rhino photo.

I mean...I ate the donut...but I'll just have yogurt for lunch.

Monday, September 17, 2012


I started to title this post 'struggling' but then I admitted to myself that you can't really call it a 'struggle' if you aren't really trying.

It seems that my cravings have taken over, and I've let them. In each case, I really tried to be on the healthy side of naughty. For example, I wanted Mexican rice. So instead of eating the whole batch as a meal, I made it into a chicken, black bean, veggie, salsa mixture and turned it into 6 meals. No cheese, no sour cream, but still a big portion with a lot of starch. I also went to Taco Bell, but I ordered two tacos off the 'fresh' menu, or whatever their lower-cal menu is called.

And if I'm gonna be completely accountable, I made a batch of snickerdoodles last night, and had a box of Poptarts over a couple days last week - no 'healthy side of naughty' with these - just plain naughty. I don't even really like snickerdoodles! But I had the mix in my cupboards - I think I got them at 50% off holiday items at Target after Easter. BTW, sales are dangerous for the dieter - usually, it's the crap that goes on sale. You'll never see a mescalin mix discount!

I guess I've been eating like a 'normal' person not a dieting person. Maybe I can call this phase my mini-maintenance! Yeah! That's putting a positive spin on not working toward my goal...anyway, I haven't gained any weight, which honestly shocks the hell out of me. I fear the reason for this is that I might have gained fat but lost muscle.

So, I'm going to set mini-goals:
I vow to lose 5 pounds by September 30
I vow to lose an additional 12 pounds in October
I vow to lose an additional 10 pounds in November.

This will get me to a really magical place - 80 pounds lost. Puffy is going to fit super well by November!! Oh, I never shared a picture of Puffy! What the hell is wrong with me?

Also, I teased with Shawna that I was going to put my 'before' picture in the visor of my car as a deterrent for when my car starts steering toward Taco Bell, or the MACdonalds. But, joking aside, I really think I will. Nothing will scare me straight like the Blue Rhino photo.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Boot-Camped

So, I did it. Attended my first boot camp this morning. Today's activities were not a real stretch for me, so I got all concerned for nothing. I'm sure it won't stay 'manageable' but I suppose the challenge will be good for me.

What did we do? Start with 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 crunches. Then take two full laps around the building (a half mile). Then return to the turf and do 9 push-ups, 9 squats, 9 crunches; off to do two more laps, then back for 8 reps, etc.

So the totals on this progressive work out (if someone does it all without shaving things hem) ends up to be: 5 miles run; 55 push-ups; 55 squats; 55 crunches.

IF, and I'm saying 'if', someone did two full laps the first two times, but then only did one full lap the following times, their total run count = 3.0 miles. If this person also was so slow that they didn't get the last two rotations in, the total run count = 2.5 miles.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Funniest Home Videos, here I come!

So, I was jogging on the treadmill this morning, moving at a nice pace, when all of a sudden...! I believe my foot hit the non-moving edge next to the belt. Holy shit! I do not recommend doing that. Thankfully, I caught myself before I was sent ass-over-tea-kettle off the edge like you see in the Funniest Home Videos. But, there was some yelping on my part. Then it happened again. THEN, my now-too-big workout pants almost fell down. I tell ya, I could provide entertainment for that whole gym...

I still have not done a boot camp. I'm admittedly a little a lot nervous about this, even though my teammates who have done it say it's similar to what we've been doing for three months. Yesterday, I didn't have time (appointment at 8:00 in Waunakee), and today I was late and missed warm-up. So I used that as my excuse to do something else. I did running/walking for probably 45 minutes and I'd say running was more than half of that time.

Somehow, I've become someone who can run for 6-7 minute stretches at a time. Never would have thought.

Boot camp tomorrow - no excuses!!

PS. - I meant to post some measurements, just for my own record-keeping. Lost 6 inches around my hips; 3 inches around my upper arm, and 0 inches around my thigh. That last one cracks me up - my legs are not where I carry my fat, that's for sure... Actually, I believe the thigh measurement went down (fat loss) but then went back up (muscle gain). So, win/win.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The dreaded "Before" picture

It's kind of interesting how intimidating posting a 'before' picture can be. But, I promised, so here goes:
The 'Before' was taken May 27, 2012                                                The 'After' was taken September 1, 2012

When I was building the side-by-side, I noticed the propane tank in the 'before' photo. Blue Rhino brand...I had to laugh at that one especially considering my blue shirt.

I actually feel thinner than it looks in the current photo. It really shored up my resolve that this has to be a 'during'. Sure it's leaps and bounds better than the 'before' but still not ideal.

Thank you everyone for the fantastic support!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Saw this blog post linked from another blog I read. It really struck home - both as someone who feels like everyone in the gym is staring as I gasp and wheeze, but also now as someone who sees bigger girls at the gym to whom I want to say "I was where you are; you can DO it."
Anyway, here's the post:
Hey, Fat Girl:
Yes, you. The one feigning to not see me when we cross paths on the running track. The one not even wearing sports gear, breathing heavy. You’re slow, you breathe hard and your efforts at moving forward make you cringe.

You cling shyly to the furthest corridor, sometimes making larger loops on the gravel ring by the track just so you’re not on it. You sweat so much that your hair is all wet. You rarely stay for more than 20 minutes at a time, and you look exhausted when you leave to go back home. You never talk to anyone. I’ve got something I’d like to say to you.

Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012
Pounds lost in week fourteen = 3.2
Total pounds lost = 53.2  (average of 3.8 per week)

Officially done with the Biggest Loser program. It really went fast, which is actually what I was psyching myself up with at the beginning of the three months. I told myself that three months seems like a really long time to be getting up every day at 5:00, but on the other side of it, it will feel like time flew by. Truth.

The most amount of weight I've ever lost was 60 pounds. This was back in 1989 right before my sister Kristi's wedding. I remember exactly what I weighed (160), and exactly what I wore (size 10-12) when I got there. One-sixty actually seems heavy to me when I hear what friends weigh, but I remember a flat tummy and mostly normal-sized upper arms. I should add, too, that this goal was acheived almost solely by dieting - 750 calorie-a-day, unhealthy dieting. I did very little exercise, mostly walking, I believe.

Anyway...I'm not sure I can get back to that number, but I know I can blow the 60 pounds lost acheivement out of the water. I'm only 7 pounds away from that. And I have another significant goal that I want to hit in bootcamps (which I'm not putting here because I don't want you mathy folks to figure out what I weigh now and subsequently how much I weighed when I started - it's crazy embarrassing...).

SO, I decided that I'm NOT going to take a break. In fact, I believe I'm even going to do my first bootcamp at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Who is this person?

Oh, and I promise I'll get the "Before and After Biggest Loser" photos posted this weekend. And maybe Puffy will make an appearance too.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Warm Green Bean and Tomato Salad

Just made this tonight (needed an all-veg dinner after having a whole bagel for lunch) and I loved it. It's sort of based on this recipe I saw on the Food Network: Green Bean Salad

But, honestly, I get kind of lazy about following a recipe so I decided to wing it. I think the biggest change was that I switched the basil, which I'm kind of 'meh' about, for cilantro, which I'm all 'woohoo' about.

So, here are the ingredients...roughly:

2 C. chopped green beans
1 large garlic clove
About 1/8 C. diced red onion (the chunk of onion I started with was about the size of a golf ball)
1 small tomato, chopped
3-4 T. fat free feta
1 to 2 T. chopped cilantro
1 T. oil
1 to 2 T. wine vinegar
Smoked paprika (if you don't have smoked paprika, just use regular or add whatever you like - cumin would be similar)

I cooked the beans in water on the stove along with the garlic and onion. I didn't want the garlic and onion raw and I didn't want to dirty another pan (see 'lazy' comment above), so I boiled them with the green beans. I 'think' this was successful...I could taste the garlic and onion, but it was subtle.

Anyway, I strained these veggies in a colander and then transfered them to my bowl. While still warm, I added the feta, cilantro, tomato, oil, vinegar and the seasonings.

Total calories is about 250. I was kind of surprised that the calorie count was this high, but the oil accounts for 125 of the 250. And, really, a normal person might only eat half of the recipe...I am not said normal person.

Monday, August 27, 2012


August 27, 2012
Pounds lost in week thirteen = 3.5
Total pounds lost = 50.0 (average of 3.8 per week)

I did it! Hit the magic 50. I will say that this might be +/- 0.2 pounds or something. The very first weigh-in was logged as a whole number, but I believe it was actually a couple tenths below that. Anyway, before class, I was a few tenths short. But after class, in which I was sweating buckets doing a billion push-ups, and after emptying my bladder (in the bathroom, not while doing the push-ups), I weighed in again and the scale finally showed the number I wanted to see. Haa haa. The things we do to get our mental reward!!

I said to Troy after weighing in the second time, "Now it's 50 pounds!" He gave me a high five, and then said, "I want you to get past that. How about 4 pounds by Friday?" Sigh...always with the goals!! Is that how people get stuff done - by setting goals?

Now I'd like to tell you a story about an old friend - Puffy McCloud. Puffy is a beautiful, light grayish blue, down winter jacket that I love with all my heart. I bought Puffy over 10 years ago after I'd lost a considerable amount of weight, and we only spent one winter together because I didn't maintain the weight loss. But I kept Puffy, because it was too hard to part with her. At one point, I gave Puffy to a good friend, with the idea that someone should be able to wear her. So, my friend had Puffy dry cleaned, but then Puffy sat in HER closet for a couple years. She finally realized she wasn't going to wear it, so Puffy McCloud came back to me (nice and clean - bonus!).

This weekend, I reached deep in my closet and pulled Puffy out. Well, grab your Kleenex because Puffy and I fit again! Okay, Puffy was a little tight around the middle (cinched-waist style), but nice and roomy through the shoulders and upper arms. So, here's hoping it gets nice and cold this winter because Puffy and I are ready!

I looked for a picture of me and Puffy from 2002 but no luck. I will try to post one of us together present-day soon. I'm not sure Puffy is still in style, but I just don't give a shit - I love her.

Oh, and I think I'm going to buy lottery tickets today. Not only did I reach my 50 pound mark, but I also had a double-yolk egg, AND the vending machine spit out two Diet Mountain Dews this morning. Whoop, whoop!! (or maybe the universe is trying to make me gain weight with the extra cholesterol and chemicals??)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Taking a break?

So, you know how, when you're a senior in high school, and you hear someone say, "I'm not going directly to college. I'm going to take a year off." Everyone who hears this will think or say, "You can't do that. You'll never go back if you take a break!"

That's where I am on the second-to-last day of my 13th week. I don't have anything lined up, and I'm already starting to think, "Oh, I can sleep in an extra hour and a half, and I can watch Letterman again!"

I'm 90% sure that I'm going to sign up with Hybrid and become a Bootcamper. I feel like I need to keep up the higher intensity workouts to keep getting the results I want. Maybe when I'm working on maintenance, I can do classes that are more girly (dance, pilates, yoga).

Oh, and Troy offered that I can come back next week to finish up with the three team members who started a week late. I really think this would be my 14th week, but the others are telling me it's my 13th (thus their 12th). I'm not going to worry about it - if Troy's going to train, my ass will be there.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Almost there

August 20, 2012
Pounds lost in week twelve = 3.1
Total pounds lost = 46.5 (average of 3.8 per week)

To make my goal of 50 pounds by program end, I have 3.5 pounds to lose by Friday. Eek! I think I can do it. Ahem, I mean I KNOW I can do it.

I feel good, and I feel healthy. But I had a photo taken with Derek yesterday at Badger Family Fun day and I hated it of me! Still with the giant double chin. So, it kind of snapped me back to reality that I have quite a ways to go still.

Oh, and I found my "before" pictures. So, by next week I hope to post the "before and after". Probably should be calling them "before and during", but anyway...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Two Tips

So, here are two tips for the dieter.

If you're eating a sub sandwich, hollowing out the bread can reduce your carb/calorie intake by quite a bit. I'm thinking you can get rid of up to a half of the roll, maybe?

Tip two is don't eat the damn hollowed-out scraps when the sandwich is done. How about throwing them in the garbage ASAP, Kari? (do as I say; not as I do...)

Stupid bread - why you gotta be so delicious?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fun morning

This morning - yeah, I'm saying it - was actually fun! All five of us were at class, and with Troy joining, we had enough for three-on-three basketball. I made quite a few baskets in the first two games, but kind of tanked in the last.

Then, between the basketball games, we played Dodgeball. It was awesome. We used lighter, smaller balls so no one got hurt. Haa haa. I didn't do so well the first two rounds, but in the third round, I pegged all three of the other team (including Troy). Whoop whoop! I may not be fast, but my aim is dead-on *usually.

And here are some fun dodgeball videos from the internets.

Monday, August 13, 2012


August 13, 2012
Pounds lost in week eleven = 4.4
Total pounds lost = 43.4 (average of 3.9 per week)

Kind of surprised with this weeks loss - 4.4 is pretty good!

This weekend I focused on eating sparingly, replacing a normal meal with a big salad both days and eating light foods (light by weight, not just light in calories). I'm not sure these tricks to get a good weigh-in are the best thing to do, but it's all I've got right now.

Two more weeks to go. I need to set a goal for where I want to be at the end of this program. I think 50 pounds is a good target - possibly a little low (3.5 pounds in each of the last two weeks) - but if I lose more, all the better.

Also, I was hoping to post 'before' and 'after' photos, but I seem to have lost my 'before' pix. There is a blank spot on my data card where they used to be, so I know I transfered them to my computer. Where they went after that is anyone's guess. Sigh...they were really terrible, too. I'll keep looking.

Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm not Misty May

So, with sand covering me head-to-toe, you might mistake me for Olympic beach volleyball player Misty May-Treanor. Sorry for the confusion.

Why am I so sandy, you ask? Let me explain. You see the yellow climbing net in this photo? Well, today's workout included this innocent-looking contraption. We had to climb up three or four rungs/ropes, move across from right to left, then back down to the sand. I didn't think it would be awful, but oh how wrong I was. The net is not very taut, so when I stepped on, my feet went forward a couple feet until I was hanging from my arms. Not good...

Anyway, I made it up, across and down once with a lot of support from Troy - and I mean verbal as well as physical, with him propping me up with his hand on my back while also telling me, "You need to stop saying to yourself that you can't and start believing you can." And he's right - giving up too soon is probably my biggest obstacle.

So, the second time through, my hands and arms were just on fire, I couldn't lift my foot without getting my knee stuck in the square above, and I couldn't stay in an upright position. Instead, I was hanging with my legs forward and my upper body backward (in other words, most of my weight on my arms). I was slowly, gruelingly making my way across and my arms just wouldn't last. I ended up falling on my back into the sand, and I also gave a bit of a yelp (or maybe an animalistic cry - I can't be sure). So, the whole gym probably saw it go down.

Now, it didn't hurt at all: one, because of the sand; two, because I was only three feet off the ground; and three, because Troy had been supporting me so I'm sure he helped control my fall. The only pain was my damn arms and hands. Oh yeah, and my pride. Then I tried to get up and my feet kept getting tangled in the ropes. I said to Troy, "I can't get free of this damn there's a metaphor for you."

Anyway, even though it was a hot mess, I can say that I didn't give up mentally. I worked until I physically caved. Which I guess is good?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


So sore today. We worked arms Monday, legs Tuesday and core today (with lots of leg and arm work included). Hurts to get up, hurts to sit down, hurts to lift my arms, hurts to get the idea. Today I was laying on the step and I missed what we were supposed to be doing next. So I loafed for a bit to watch what the others were doing. Well, that cost me a "Kari, get going!" comment from Troy and cost the group an extra 10 seconds of crunches with elbows to opposite knees. So hard to focus on the next circuit when you're in the process of dying from the current one...

An interesting thing I learned last week is that Trainer Troy's workouts really are difficult; not just to me, as someone who is significantly overweight and out of shape, but to others as well. There's another Biggest Loser group going at the same time as our group. One day, their trainer was out sick and his group was left kind of floundering so Troy worked a mother and daughter team into our group.

Not to be judgy, but they weren't really killing it - they kind of seemed to be lazing through the circuits (it's possible that others might be thinking this about me). Anyway, through the whole hour I thought, "You paid so much money for this program. Why are you just going through the motions?" And I'd say each has about 20-30 pounds to lose, so it's not like they're limited by size.

Anyway, the two groups come together for Thursday meetings with a dietitian, and they both commented on how difficult Troy's workout was compared to theirs. My first thought was, "Well, shit! I thought so!" But, I'm very thankful that I ended up in Troy's group, since it seems like we're getting a better outcome than the other group.

I also had the realization that my nightly habit of looking at recipes on foodie blogs is probably not a good idea. Kind of like a prison inmate paging through Penthouse magazine. Oooh...I want that. CAN'T HAVE IT....oooh, and that...NOPE! My Pinterest board is chock full of crap I can't have (like pasta, not boobies).

And this may be my kryptonite - Almond Poppy Seed Bread (OMG):

Monday, August 6, 2012

First major test - Grade B

August 6, 2012
Pounds lost in week ten = 3
Total pounds lost = 39 (average of 3.9 per week)

So, I had a major test this weekend with the diet and exercise - spent the weekend up north with the cousins. Fun and food all around, and I did pretty well. Definitely ate things that are diet-derailers, like Bud Light, snack mix, s'mores, beer dip. However, I really tried to moderate the quantities (like a 'normal' person might). For the weekend, I only had three beers, I kept the beer dip under 10 bites and my s'more was just marshmallow and graham crackers - no chocolate. I also worked out a bit. Took an hour long walk with about 7 minutes of running peppered in (in 1 and 2 minute spurts). I also did a tiny bit of vigorous treading water - not for long, but my arms were sore, so it counts!

I think the rest of the group isn't doing that well. We got a talking-to from Troy about diet. It's funny- I kind of want to hear, "Except Kari," when he tells the group we're not focused on our diets, but I also don't want to be singled out with positive praise. So, I just nod and think, "Yeah, I'm doing well on my diet, but I could still be doing better."

And, I think Crystal and I, who started a week earlier than the other three, are going to get a 'bonus' 13th week while the other girls finish their 12th. I've heard him say that we have 4 weeks left when Crystal and I only have 3 left, but I don't want to ask for fear that I'd be pointing out to Troy we should actually be done or else paying for another week. Who thought I'd be trying to sneak my way into extra workouts?

By the way, that beer dip? Cream cheese, cheddar cheese, ranch dressing, beer and some other thing I can't remember. And we had it on pretzels. It's a small miracle I didn't hoover the whole container.

Oh, and note to self = probably shouldn't wear the shorter shorts to workouts anymore. They're modest when standing, but probably pretty frightening from behind when doing bear crawls. Sorry 'bout that, fellow gym members.

Monday, July 30, 2012


July 23, 2012
Pounds lost in week nine = 6
Total pounds lost = 36 (average of 4 per week)

Finally broke the plateau - relieved.

So I was watching Dr. Oz and he recommended White Bean Extract because it blocks starch and prevents carbs from being absorbed in the body. I'm not a big fan of adding supplements - mainly because I think 'whole' foods and a balanced diet should really do the trick. But, I have a certain amount of trust in what Dr. Oz recommends - he better not lead me wrong!

Well, I went to GNC to pick up a bottle, and before I knew it, I was hearing about all these other supplements to increase my weight loss and strength. What a sales pitch, most of which I didn't understand. I was good at saying 'no', but I did buy a container of protein shake mix, since I have a hard time eating the required amount. The smoothies at the gym have whey protein in them, so I figure it's not a bad thing to have on hand.

Anyway, he must have thrown 15 samples of various things in my bag - pills, powders, gels. He offered a warning with most, like "Don't have these two together because of the caffeine," or "Don't have this one on an empty stomach."

Is all this crap really good for a person? Are you supposed to be throwing all those chemicals into your system? I can't believe that it is, although I did buy my White Bean Extract and protein shake powder, so I guess I must believe some of it.

Here's an article on about white bean extract:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Jinxed it

So, I jinxed myself by saying I hadn't missed a day of workouts yet. This morning, around 4:00, I woke up with a pounding headache. I took some Advil, but when I woke to my alarm at 5:00, my head was still pounding.

Now, I've worked out with a head cold in the past and a jacked-up knee more recently, but I really can't picture getting my heart rate up to 150 when the blood is whooshing through my brain vessels with every small move. So, you see where I'm going with this - I made the decision to skip 5:30 class today, shut the alarm off and went back to sleep.

At 5:40, my phone rings. I don't recognize the number, but when the phone rings at 5:40 in the morning, you answer it, right? Conversation went like this:

Me: Hello?
Caller: Kari...
Me: Yes?
Caller: Why aren't you here?
Me: (Oh shit, it's Trainer Troy) I woke up with a headache
Troy: A headache?
Me: Yes (with a nervous little laugh)
Troy: Only two of you showed up again today. We need you here.
Me: Who are the two people who made it?
Troy: I'm only concerned with the people who DIDN'T make it.
Me: Sorry
Troy: We'll see you tomorrow. If you wake up with a headache again, take some Advil and get in here.

The rational side of me realizes that he's frustrated with our whole group (Monday only 2 out of 5 of us showed up; Tuesday it was the same 2; Wednesday 4; today back to 2). I'm also proud that this was the first day out of around 45 days that I missed (not counting the 4th holiday). And, I realize he must recognize that I've been religious about coming in - perhaps today was the day that his patience ended and he called all who did not show (it was just my bad fortune not to be there on this day). He also saw me running on the treadmill last night and twice last week, so he knows I'm committed - at least 95% of the time...

But the little kid in me felt like I was busted by the teacher for faking an illness to get out of a test. And this is exactly why I need a trainer - because the guilt I feel for missing, even when the reason is valid, is a very strong motivator for me. I just don't like disappointing people. Unless it's myself - I can let myself down without giving it a second thought. Which is pretty backwards when I think about it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Great, just great

This morning before class starts, I'm walking on the treadmill next to another member. She's in some other group - we've seen each other before, but never spoken. She says to me, "So, you decided to come back today, huh?" Me: "Yeah," while my brain is scrambling to think why she would ask that question. "Oh, did you see me struggling yesterday?"
Her: "Yes, good for you for coming back. He's unrelenting, isn't he?"
Me: "Uhh...yeah, you could say that."

So, clearly, I'm making as big of a spectacle of myself as it feels. Although, I suppose it would be odd if no one noticed me yesterday, since I was gasping for breath sooo loudly.

Again today, it was just me and another girl. I should be happy that I'm getting such individual attention from Trainer Troy, but all I can think of is sending an email to the others saying, "By all that is holy, please please get your asses back to the gym!"

On another note, I made fish at home for the first time ever - all my years of cooking and I've never ventured into seafood-land. I found a bag of individually frozen cod fillets at Costco and I was impressed by how nice the fish looked when I opened the packet. Anyway, here's what I did.

Broiled Cod
1 6oz. cod fillet
1 Tbsp. mayonnaise
1/8 c. panko breadcrumbs
Butter spray
Salt and pepper to taste
Paprika for color

Preheat oven to 400.
Rinse and pat dry the cod; salt and pepper both sides. Place in a small baking dish.
Spread the mayo on the top of the fish, then top with the breadcrumbs. Press the crumbs into the mayo a bit. Spitz the breadcrumbs with a few shots of butter spray and sprinkle with paprika.

Bake for 20-25 minutes or until fish is flaky in the center.

It was really good, but I think I'll leave off the mayo next time. That added a richness I don't think it really needed. I eat broiled fish with cocktail sauce and lemon, which is why I don't think I need the extra flavor from the mayo. But it did probably keep the fish moist, so that's something.

Monday, July 23, 2012

It is what it is

July 23, 2012
Pounds lost in week eight = 0
Total pounds lost = 30 (average of 3.75 per week)

Ugh...official weigh-in results in 0 pounds lost. I'm going to print off my food journal and bring it to the dietitian because this is getting ridiculous. I kept to 1000 calories per day, and even worked in three additional walk/runs this past week. Ate lots more veggies, tried to limit the carbs. I think what really gets to me is that I don't remember ever having a bad two-week stretch like this when doing Weight Watchers. That was usually 3, 2, 4, 1, 2 - a more regular up-down-up pattern.

The only plus side - and it's feeling like a small plus - is that we logged in on the body fat reader today and I lost two pounds of fat mass. So, I guess I'm gaining muscle to offset that, which I suppose is good. However, I think my calves are out of control - think Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yuck.

This morning at our 5:30 work out, I think Troy was mad. Only two of us out of five were there. So, naturally, he took it out on us! Ha ha...really, it was probably a matter of me not being able to slack off in a larger group. He only had two of us to keep an eye on. I think I'll hear "Come ON, Kari," in my sleep.

Here's a slice of our fun circuit to share with you (and by fun, I mean hellish) - run up a flight of stairs, run down, hop up the stairs, run down, pick up TWO 30lb weights and walk up/down the stairs. Rest for 30 seconds, then 20 crunches, sprint between a series of cones (short, then back, medium, then back, long, then back), 20 crunches, then sprints again. This is when I saw Jesus. Those crunches really set off my asthma - I started gasp-honking. Super adorable, I'm sure. Troy came up to me (probably to make sure I wasn't dying), and I was like, "I (honk) sound (honk) like (honk) my (honk) dog." However, when I got my breathing under control, I ran the crap out of those sprints. I think Troy would have let me pass on it, but I felt like I needed to do it. And I did really well - fast with a good long stride.

Another mental check-mark in the win column - I realized today that I'm the only one of my group who has been to workouts every day (not counting the Fourth of July). EVERY day. Proud of that.

And speaking of running, here's a clip making the rounds on Pinterest - LOVE it:

Friday, July 20, 2012


I have nothing funny to report, and I'm feeling really disappointed with my lack of progress. I'm eating 1000 calories a day and burning around 2500 (workouts plus BMR). A pound equals 3500 calories. Simple math tells me that I should be losing about a pound every other day - or around 3-4 per week.

But no...I'm stuck on the same stupid number - day after damn day. If I was cheating or not working hard, I would probably just feel mad at myself. But to know I'm working out so hard and eating the right things (or more important, not eating the wrong things) and seeing no progress is really disheartening.

Troy surprised us this morning with a pre-weekend weigh-in. No surprise to me, I was no different today than I was on Monday. Not an ounce. I went back out on the gym floor and let all the frustration build up. Before I knew it, my eyes were welling up and I had to dash off to the bathroom before embarrassing myself by boohooing about it publicly. I think my red eyes when I returned might have tipped them off anyway.

So, maybe on Monday's official weigh-in I'll see a drop. Who the f*** knows.

Monday, July 16, 2012


July 16, 2012
Pounds lost in week seven = 1
Total pounds lost = 30  (average of 4.3 per week)

So, I could have had ice cream and pizza with this kind of number - that's all I'm thinking.
My average calorie count has been near 1000-1100, but the average percent of carbs was 52%. Of those carbs, 35% were sugars.

Today we played basketball again. I like these days, but I just cannot last on the court. So much running. I'll have to practice outside of class (though not this week, when the temp is 100 or so).

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Quinoa and Qualms

So, I'm not looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow. I'm in a plateau - at least my home scale tells me so. I'm consistent with my calories, and consistent with the workouts, but that damn scale has been stuck all week. The recoil from my 8 pound success last week perhaps.

How to fix it - more veggies and more activity. My goals for this week are to have 3 servings of veggies every day and to work out two evenings during the week and once on the weekend. Hard workouts - no half-walks with Joey looking at me with his "Are you kidding me?" face.

This weekend I made a quinoa salad that I found on Pinterest. This was my first taste of quinoa and it was pretty darn tasty. Found here on The Healthy Foodie blog.
Quick and Easy Quinoa Salad - The Healthy Foodie

And, a funny story for this week's workouts. We were doing step-ups onto weight benches. Troy wanted us to go up with the left foot, bring up right, down with left foot, down with right. Easy, yes? Well, when he said 'lead with the same foot', I interpreted this as L, R, R, L. I guess the other girls did too, because he kept trying to get us to do it correctly. "No, UP with one foot, DOWN with the same foot." For a good 30 seconds he kept trying nicely to correct us. Finally, he says, "Holy Christ, Ladies." I think we exasperated him. Ha ha ha.

I started wanting to recreate some version of this to get him to say "Holy Christ" again...because I'm that kind of person.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Mini Goal

July 9, 2012
Pounds lost in week six = 8.5
Total pounds lost = 29 (average of 4.8 per week)

There it is...there's the high number I was looking for. Week 6 resulted in 8+ pounds lost. How did it happen? Not too sure, really.

However, about three weeks ago, Troy had us set mini goals. For instance, by July 9, I want to weigh what? I set my goal at 15 pounds by the end of the three weeks, just a smidgen more than I had been doing. A reach but not an over-reach. I have to say, I definitely focused on meeting or surpassing that goal. And I did - surpassed it by one pound.

I did some moderate work-outs three of the evenings this past week, and I tried to up my veggies and protein while lowering my carbs. Emphasis on the 'tried'.

The next mini goal is 10 pounds by July 23. I'm gonna shred that mo-fo (but probably not...but maybe!)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition

ABC has been airing new episodes of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. This show is so inspirational to someone with a significant amount of weight to lose. Probably to more people that that, actually.

Before my own journey, watching this show filled me with longing, jealousy and a small measure of inspiration. Now, when I'm going through my own similar situation, knowing that I'm making progress, all I feel is inspiration. I could feel longing that I'm not as far along as these people; I could feel jealous that they have a full-time trainer and some serious rewards (cars, trips, surgeries). However, I don't really feel those emotions this time. Why is this?

Clearly, the difference is action. When you act toward something, it changes your mindset - hopefully - from being on the outside of some unattainable dream to being in the midst of that change. It occurred to me tonight that the best way to banish negative feelings is simply to act - in any way, big or small - in the opposite direction.

In tonight's episode, Ashley won a trip to Hawaii about 2/3 of the way to her goal. She had to take a 15 mile hike up to the crater of a volcano. At the end of that hike, her trainer surprised her with another challenge - to zipline down the mountain. This reminded me of my ziplining experience in Costa Rica.

Now, I'm fairly afraid of heights and loss of control, but I'd made up my mind before my trip that I was going to do it. I wasn't going to back out. So, we traveled into the rain forest, strapped on those lady-part smashing harnesses, put on our helmets, and we walked up to the first platform. What I soon realized is that I would have to jump up toward the cable while one of the operators quickly snapped my hanger into the clip that secures us to the cable.

Here's a secret - big girls don't like to jump. Much less when in the presence of strangers, some of them cute young Costa Rican men. When the operator threw his knee under my ass to give me an extra boost...well that was just down-right humiliating.

So, surprisingly, I discovered that ziplining is pretty awesome. I also discovered that I had very little fear actually zipping down that line - all thrill, no fear. Wanna know what my fear was? Every time we got to another transition platform, I was practically terrified of the jump up, rump boost, clip on procedure, wondering, "Will I get close enough to the line for him to be able to snap me in? Or will we have to do it again and again until my jump and his hoist come together in a perfectly-timed combination?" Uno, Dos, TRES! Uno, Dos, TRES!

How ridiculous is that? My weight is so unbelievably limiting, but it's clear my mind has been an equal co-conspirator in keeping me from acting and Time to knock that shit off.

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012
Pounds lost in week five = 4.3
Total pounds lost = 20.5 (average of 4.1 per week)

We played basketball today - kind of fun, but also exhausting. Two games of 2-on-2, and my partner, Susan, and I lost both games. My shooting was terrible - I'd get a break-away opportunity and then blow it by missing the basket. But we didn't lose by much, so that's good.

Not much else to report.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Pizza without the cheese - is it still pizza? Not in my world. But this little snack still satisfied that pizza craving anyway.

1 whole wheat tortilla
3 Tbsp. Pastorelli's pizza sauce (only the best pizza sauce in the world)
2 marinated artichokes, chopped

Spray a skillet with non-stick spray. With the heat just under high, put the tortilla in the pan, spread with sauce (over the whole tortilla) and distribute artichokes over half. Fold the tortilla over and cook on both sides until tortilla is browned and crispy.

You could probaby add a low-fat mozzarella without adding too many calories. Without the cheese, this was 220 calories, 7g fat, 7g protein, 7g fiber.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


So, the Chair of my department (my boss, essentially), is a bit of a worrier. When I first started my workout program, I was having trouble with asthma. My trainer asked me to see my physician, so I worked to get an appointment. My doctor is quite busy, so when I got a call at 1:00 asking me if I could be to the clinic across town by 1:20, I didn't want to say no. So, I dropped everything at work, told my staff I had to quick run to the doctor, and took off.

Well, my Chair stopped down to see me while I was gone. He heard from my staff that I had to quick run to the doctor. Well, he got concerned, asking them if everything was okay. Later, when I returned, he asked me if everything was alright. I assured him that I was fine, and I told him the story about starting a workout and that my trainer asked me to see a physician...the whole speil. He actually said, "Good, then we can have you around longer..." I took this to mean that he expects me to fall over from a heart attack at any time...

So, yesterday, I left work at 2:00 for an appointment without notifying him (I don't usually tell him when I'm leaving). He left a message for me so I called him back when I was done with my appointment.

Again, he was concerned about my appointment, "Was it a medical appointment? Is everything okay?" Really? Kind of funny. I assured him that I was fine, "Not to worry," I said.

The funny part is that I was actually getting my nails done. I didn't have the nerve to tell him this, as I don't think he needs to know that I take vacation every two weeks for this very important purpose. Nothing gets in the way of my nail appointments!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Olympic 10!

In this second month, our workouts seem to have shifted to strength-training. We still do cardio, but the mix is heavier on the muscle work. I sweat a lot, but I find I'm able to push myself a little more if I'm not huffing and puffing (meaning, I can push myself to do more arm curls easier than I can push myself to run faster).

Anyway, it's no secret that probably 70% of my weight is above my butt - I often picture myself shaped like an upside-down bowling pin (lovely). So, this means my attempts at sit-ups are pretty much just crunches, as I can't really get my back off the floor using just my abs.

Today, one of our exercises involved a weigh bench and two 15 pound weights. I was laying on my back, feet on the floor, doing arm work (curls, lifts, whatever) - no problem, I've got this. The REAL workout came when I tried to get up after the set was done. Nothing to hook my feet under, I couldn't touch the floor with my hands and my body is wider than the bench, so I couldn't use the bench to lever myself up.

What ended up happening was this sort of slow shift, roll, reach, balance - I almost had it, by basically rolling off onto my hands, when my left arm failed me. FLOP! I fell on the floor in a lump, with my teammates, my trainer, and hell, pretty much the whole gym, watching. So embarrassing!

So, I did what any normal person would do. I jumped up with arms raised in victory and exclaimed, "A 10 on the dismount!"

Monday, June 25, 2012

Quick Stats Update

June 25, 2012
Pounds lost in week four = 3
Total pounds lost = 16 (average of 4 per week)

Nothing much to report today, other than the numbers from this morning's weigh-in. Next week, I'm going to pull down a big number. Three pounds is just not going to cut it.

Knee is better than it was Friday/Saturday and I was able to do a lot of step-up, step-down work this morning without too much pain.

Advil and I are good friends.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Knee, You Suck (but I guess I've been asking a lot of you)

So, it was somewhat inevitable that I was going to be side-lined by knee pain. On Thursday morning between workout and work, I stepped down my back steps and felt excruciating pain in my right knee. So much so that I screamed out, which I'm sure my two neighbors appreciated at 8:00AM. It felt like my kneecap or some tendons just snapped out of place and would not go back.

I'm familiar with this weakness in my knees - this would happen occasionally in the past. However, never to this pain level or duration. This time, it recurred throughout the day, and I could feel the joint getting puffier and puffier.

By Friday morning (24 hours later) I was limping but I went to the gym! I couldn't join my group, but I did do about 20 minutes on the elliptical. Since this didn't involve straightening my knee, I found that I was able to work up to a sweat-inducing pace. Then I did some sit-up/crunch things and finally rejoined my group for a lot of arm work.

After that, I went to urgent care. Nothing wrong on the xray, but I did get fitted with a sexy knee brace. Don't be jealous, you haters (like my smiley face?). Anyway, here's a response that I've developed in my head if anyone brings it up.

Anyone: "Ooh, what happened to your knee?"
Me: "Years of obesity and inactivity...OH, you mean recently?"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Carbs - My Friend, My Enemy

Take a look at this simple graph showing the breakdown my intake of three main food categories over the last four weeks: Calories from fats (in blue); calories from carbohydrates (in yellow-brown); calories from protein (in green).

What the hell happened on June 20 (on the far right)?? I'll tell you what happened. Those damn meringue cookies! This is why I can't have that shit in the house. Even treats that are 'healthier' spell disaster for me.

Also, Trainer Troy sent a pep-talk email to us encouraging us to spend another hour in the evenings doing some kind of activity. He said, "Walking, jogging, boot camp, whatever. Basically do anything except come home from work and sit on the couch."

My reply: "Do you have a camera in my living room?"

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Meringue cookies

A great sweet treat - only 25 calories per cookie.

Meringue Cookies
4 egg whites
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. sugar

Preheat oven to 225 degrees.

Add salt, cream of tartar and vanilla to egg whites in a narrow, but high-sided bowl. Beat the egg white mixture until soft peak stage (about 2 minutes). With beaters on high speed, add sugar gradually (sprinkle in a few tablespoons at a time). Beat until mixture reaches stiff peak stage.

Line cookie sheets with foil. Add dollops of mixture onto cookie sheets by the heaping tablespoonful. They don't puff up much, so they can be placed fairly close together. Add pretty sprinkles if desired (yes, you desire pretty sprinkles...).

Bake at 225 degrees for an hour and a half. Turn oven off and leave cookies in the oven until the oven is cooled (I leave mine in overnight if I start the process after work).

Then, reserve four cookies the get the rest out of the house because you know you're going to eat the whole damn batch yourself if you have access to them.

Recipe makes about 36 (calorie count is factored on this quantity).

I added a bit of blue food coloring to this batch.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Exercise + Extreme Humidity = Sweet Jesus, When Will It End?

June 18, 2012
Pounds lost this week = 4
Total pounds lost = 13 (average of 4.3 per week)

Worst day ever as far as breathing is concerned. The humidity really effects my asthma, and there were several times when I was struggling for breath. Four hits off the inhaler and I was still gasping.

Here's an example of our circuits:
(90 seconds each)
Jumping rope
Leap foward big, two short hops back
Ladder runs (like tire runs you see football players do, but on a smaller scale)
Heavy rope whipping (pick up rope, fling it down, left, right, left, right)
Then, a one-quarter lap around the building finished by a run up a flight of stairs and back down.

Finally, lay down and die. Just kidding! We can't lay down because we're right back into the circuit after a 30 second cool down. One more round then a 2 minute cool down. Then he finds 5 more torture exercises for us to do, followed again by a run and stair climb.

But, I'm starting to feel a difference (how could I not). Clothes are fitting better and I have more stamina. Last week, I noticed that my right wrist was thinner. But then, in the middle of my forearm, there seemed to be a bump. Like, instead of a smooth transition moving up my arm, there was a definite bump up. A little concerning...until I realized it was just a newly-developed muscle....

How foreign.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Informed Choices

So, you're all probably familiar with my love of the Diet Mountain's my morning caffiene, my thirst-quencher of choice, it makes my heart skip a beat (not even metaphorically, but quite literally, due to the caffiene). I joke with people that, because orange juice is the second ingredient, it is practically a health food.

At the start of every diet plan I've undertaken, they say to cut out sodas - and they stress "Including diet sodas!" I've never heard the logic or science behind this. Yes, I know the acid and carbonation harm my teeth, but as far as being a hinderance to weight loss - what's the logic?

This morning, I finally asked the dietician if she could name the drawbacks related to weight loss. Here's what she said:
1) It makes you feel bloated and full of gas
2) Drinking artificial sweeteners sets the body up for craving more sugar. Real sugar will, at least, satisfy a sweet tooth to a degree. Diet sodas with artificial sweeteners don't kill that craving, and in fact can increase the craving later in the day.

Point number 1 - if I feel bloated, I'm LESS likely to overeat. I don't care at this point if I 'feel' fat - air weighs 0 pounds, so that scale will still show downward progress. Point 1 easily dismissed.

Point 2 - This one I understand - makes sense. However, if I can ignore the sweet cravings, I think I can dismiss this one too.

I just cannot imagine a morning without it. I HAVE limited it to one 12oz. can instead of a 20oz. bottle. I'm going to count that as a success!

And, to end on a funny note, yesterday we had to high-knee over hurdles. They were only about 15" high but it's hard to do four successive jumps when you weigh this much! Anyway, first time through, I knocked over a hurdle (they kind of come apart when this happens - the bar separates from the riser and Trainer Troy has to set them up again). On the next time through the hurdles, I knocked one down again. Troy announced, "Next one to knock one down runs a lap around the building!" Yikes!

I can tell you, I was a high-stepper after that! My team mate, Crystal, however, knocked one down in the next round and had to take a lap. Oops...sorry Crystal. I feel like she took my punishment. (I also crushed a shorty cone when doing forward/backward sprints...not my most coordinated day!)

And here's a funny video that was flashing through my mind as I was knocking over hurdles

Monday, June 11, 2012

Chicken, Chicken, Chicken

I'm going to add recipes here, too, just to help me remember easy, tasty food solutions.

Yesterday, I was in Target looking to buy 'other' meats besides my usual chicken and deli turkey. A worker came up and slapped a sticker on a small package of beef round steaks and said, "Instant coupon!" Originally $4.80 minus $3 coupon = I'm buying that meat! Then he said, "Here's another one." My lucky day.

So, I got beef, which I'll have to figure out what to do with. But I also got raw turkey breast (or maybe they were tenderloins). Here's what I did with them:

Cleaned and dried turkey (probably about 1.5 pounds), then placed in a small glass dish.
Poured on Frontera Green Chile Enchilada Sauce
Covered in foil, stuck in a meat thermometer (to cook to 165 degrees). Cooked at 350 covered for about an hour, then uncovered for a while longer.
Realized thermometer wasn't working...checked turkey for doneness the uncool way...
Once the turkey was done and had cooled a bit, I shredded it.

Then I put the cooking liquid in a sauce pan and reduced it, just to about the same thickness it was prior to cooking. I added about half of this finished sauce back onto the shredded turkey.

Divided this up into containers, and this morning I put a dollop of plain Greek yogurt on top. Just heated it for about a minute, and viola - yummy protein-filled lunch. Yeah, it would be better with rice, cheese and a tortilla, but come on!

Exercise this morning - more on the strength and core conditioning than the aerobic workout, so I did better. Did jump rope for the first time in forever. It was kind of fun! But it was really, really hard. Two sets of 20 jumps about killed me. I'm thinking of getting a jump rope for at home.

I can just see it - hair in pigtails, rainbow shirt on, knee socks. Here I come childhood!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Unhappy with success

June 8, 2012
Total pounds lost = 9

Two weeks and 9 pounds lost. Great for someone who is 30 pounds from goal. Not for someone 100 pounds from goal. I think I'm not happy with it because this is how much I can lose in weeks one and two on 'just' a diet (no exercise). To think I'm working this hard in the mornings for 9 measly pounds is discouraging. However, I know these things are true: 1) I've been really good on the diet side, 2) I've been really good on the exercise side, and 3) even stone shrinks given pressure and time. Moving forward.

On a more silly note, Papa John's is sending me bi-weekly texts about their various specials. I signed up for these a long time ago and their marketing has met with varying success for this customer. In the past, when that text would come in, it would often create that subliminal "I've GOT to have pizza" spark. Now, however, I look at it and think "I've GOT to figure out how to get off their list."

After getting today's deal, it occured to me that these texts are like booty calls from an ex-boyfriend. You dumped him for a reason, but when that call comes in, you kind of forget the bad times and think, "What's the harm this one time?" So, Papa John is calling for my booty, and I'm not answering. Time to quit him.

Also, at a work party today, I had created a great, healthy lunch from among the other naughty options. Imagine a loaded Qdoba taco bar and you'll be pleased to know that I came away with a salad made of only lettuce, black beans, chicken and salsa. Success.

Anyway, they cut the cake and I declined - no real hardship. Then, while I was sitting with my cake-eating co-workers, this guy - we'll call him Doofus - says, "Kari, did you get cake?"

Me: "Yes, I was offered but I don't care for any."
Doofus: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes, thanks, I'm sure"
Doofus: "Really, you're sure?"
Me: "Yes, I'm sure"

Jesus! When a big girl turns down cake, you don't try to coax her into it two more times! What a stupid, clueless Doofus.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Much better

Today went much better than yesterday! Finished all the repetitions and all the sets, only lazed on the mat once between sets (and got busted by Troy "Kari, get up!"). Hey, at least I didn't laze 'during' a set, right? Progress.

Met with a nutritionist - she's a youngster who casually dropped, "I'm a vegetarian," into our conversation. Yay for you, Ellen. She also made a comment, "Fiber is going to fill you up better than that fatty piece of bacon." Stepping back, this shouldn't have irritated me - that's her job. But I was irritated by what I perceived to be her assumption that fat people and bacon go hand-in-hand. I wanted to say, "Listen skinny. I haven't had a piece of bacon for breakfast for years!" Of course, then I remembered the delicious Bacon, Egg and Cheese biscuits at McDonald's that were a twice-a-week habit. Sigh...

My breakfast this morning was pretty heavenly. I'm not sure if it was because I was super hungry or if it really WAS sent straight from heaven. Anyway, I made an egg (sort of fried, sort of scrambled), wrapped it in a warmed corn tortilla and topped my little burrito with salsa. Fan-freaking-tastic. I'm not ashamed to admit that I moaned a little. I'm starting to really love corn tortillas - have to thank Kristi and her amazing tacos for that. You can't make that magic with flour tortillas, that's for sure.

But yeah, hungry by 10:00.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week Two - the horror continues

June 4, 2012
Pounds lost this week = 8
Total pounds lost = 8

Weigh-ins are on Friday - they're smart to catch us before the weekend! So, on Friday, I'd lost 6 pounds. Not fantastic for the 'first week'. BUT, given that we started on Tuesday, this was only after four days. This morning, Monday, I'm at 8 pounds lost. So, that's my official (at least in my head).

Today's workout...brutal. I think I'm going to be saying that about every workout...I couldn't make it through a full repetition of any of the sets. Well, I might have done a full rep of one or two. Knees hurt, back hurts, hip hurts, spirit hurts.

After doing a circuit of squats, ladder sprints, sit-ups, Troy got the bright idea to have us run a lap around the building. I didn't hear him initially, so I said "What's next?" to my group. "Running," was the reply. "Shit, shit, shit," was what ran through my head. The dreaded running.

My group got off to a great start. I almost immediately fell behind, but I kept trudging along...until the wheezing started. This is quite a feeling. You're short on breath to start, as you push yourself to previously unknown limits, and then your throat starts to close. Yikes. So, I slowed to a walk...until Troy turned around and caught me slacking. Whoops! Back to a slow run as I'm waving, "No lazy person back here. You just carry on with your track stars up there."

He waited for me at the end of the building - the midway point of our run. I made up my mind that I was going to keep a trotting pace for this last half. No slowing to a walk for me! Troy stayed with me the whole time. Finally, it dawned on me that he was walking. Yep! I was 'running' and he was walking and we were neck and neck. I pointed this out to him and said sarcastically, "That's fantastic."

He just laughed and said, "Everyone starts somewhere."

Day One - Tuesday, May 29, 2012

After a week or two of  'last suppers' (pizza, ice cream, pasta...all the favorite naughty foods) my diet and exercise plan began on Tuesday, May 29. Honestly, I expect the dieting to be fairly easy. Been there, done that. Exercise..not so much. Knowing that I need to have outside help forcing me to push myself, I joined a Biggest Loser program at Hybrid Fitness - I'm hoping this is a good fit.

Here's an email I sent to my sister after the first workout:

Well, my work out program started today, and I am still alive. I may even go back tomorrow.

The trainer, Troy, is very nice and kindly pushes me forward. “Let’s keep your heart rate up, Kari.” Me (thinking): “Oh, it’s up. I can feel it in my throat.”

To go from almost zero exercise to doing an hour of rigorous circuits is pretty brutal. The jumping jacks killed me. Fifteen while holding a 10 pound bar. Kind of went into an asthma spell, which worried Troy a bit. (o:

I told him this always happens during hard exercise (it occurred to me later that I hadn’t had one of these attacks since running the mile in high school…as in, ‘the last time I did hard exercise’).

So far, there’s only one other person in this group, and she is a returning ‘biggest loser’. She only has about 40 pounds to lose, and she’s been through the training recently. So, of the two of us, I am the slower turtle in this race. Next week, three more are going to come on board. 

One day down; a lifetime to go.